Thousands of dollars' worth of pumpkin seeds were pilfered directly from the source on Sunday when a person or persons unknown cut a hole into a 1,400-pound pumpkin at MarketBar at the San Francisco Ferry Building.
This afternoon I was able to confirm that story by walking to the scene of the crime and snapping this picture: The hole isn't visible here as it's about 3/4 of the way around on the lower left side.
How do these giant pumpkin contests detect cheating? I could make a pumpkin a lot heavier by injecting water into it.
Toll changes on the Bay Bridge have cleared out carpool lanes and improved traffic speed when the bridge is most congested, a study by UC Berkeley transportation researchers has concluded.
According to the study, ordered by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission after it restructured and raised tolls at the Bay Bridge beginning in July 2010, charging a discounted carpool toll of $2.50 caused 4,365 vehicles to abandon the carpool lanes daily - a 26 percent decline.
The city's feckless political class are collaborating with anarchists against the taxpayers who maintain them in their sinecures.
When the rumor spread that the Whole Foods store, of all unlikely corporate villains, had threatened to fire employees who participated in the protest, the Regional President David Lannon took to Facebook: "We totally support our Team Members participating in the General Strike today – rumors are false!" But, despite his "total support", they trashed his store anyway, breaking windows and spray-painting walls.